How to Prevent Falls
According to the CDC 1 in 4 adults fall every year and about 1 in 5 of those falls will result in a serious injury but we tend to think of it as something that happens to other people. We think we’re capable enough, that our balance and strength are good enough as they are, but the reality is that a lot of falls happen and they happen to everyone, regardless of age or health status.

5 Most Common Vitamin Supplements for Senior Citizens
Most people have heard of multivitamins or probiotics, but what do we really need? For the past few years there have been 5 common supplements that seniors are taking, lets take a look ourselves.

Eating as You Age: 4 tips for staying healthy with food.
Staying active, staying hydrated, and keeping yourself well fed is likely something you’ve been doing for years but remember to keep in mind the way your needs change as you age! Every body is different but there are some things that everyone needs, like high quality foods and lots of water.

5 Ways to Connect to a Loved One with Memory Loss
One of the most common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s is changes in someone’s ability to communicate and that can be frustrating for the people that see them every day. Luckily you’re not the first person to run into these challenges so there are well known ways to help bridge the communication gap with your loved one suffering from memory loss.

5 Tips for Healthy Aging
There are many ways to keep yourself healthy as you age and we’re happy to help cover the basics. As long as you’re balancing your physical and mental health you’re already going a long way toward ensuring your own longevity.

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s: What’s the difference?
Dementia and Alzheimer’s both affect the memory and often they are used interchangeably but there are important distinctions between the two.

The Benefits of Being CPR and First-Aid Certified.
Being able to identify hazards and potential threats is a great skill but we can’t always know what life is going to throw at us. By being trained for the worst, you’ll be prepared to handle any medical situation that life throws at you.

What to expect when you call Healthy at Home Caregivers.
The process can seem daunting; It’s one more thing to fit into your busy day and sometimes it feels like there’s no point. That’s why we here at Healthy at Home Caregivers try to make the process as quick, easy, and straightforward as possible. The onboarding process is likely to be similar for most caregiving agencies but this week we’re going to go into detail about the Healthy at Home client onboarding process.

Coping With Caregiver Burnout
With over 40 million people acting as family caregivers for their loved ones, it’s important to understand the toll it takes on the primary caregiver. Up to 70% of caregivers show clinically significant signs of depression and the best way to combat that is by listening to what they need and giving them a helping hand.

What You Should Know About Your Home Healthcare Aide.
We want clients and their families to always feel safe and comfortable when inviting a caregiver into their homes and while that’s not always easy we hope that a look at our registered home care aide requirements can help put you at ease. Because we care!

What Should You Do If a Loved One Falls?
One in four seniors will experience a fall this year. It’s scary when someone falls and can’t get up on their own but as the person to find them, you can help. Click here to see what you can do!

Early Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
It is important to be able to recognize the early signs of dementia so that you can get your loved one the dementia care they need. The earlier the disease is caught, the earlier it can be treated. People can live happy lives with dementia and receiving a diagnosis in the early stages can help to ensure that the individual feels as in control and empowered in their life as possible.

Home Care at a Glance
There are a lot of different options out there regarding home care and it’s not always easy to understand the difference between them all so we’ve put together a brief overview of home care that covers everything from memory care to hospice to post-surgical care.

Navigating Grief
Grief is never an easy thing to deal with but it’s a part of life almost everyone experiences one day. Here are some tips for navigating your way through grief.

5 Tips in Caregiving: When a Loved One Refuses Care
Healthy At Home Caregivers understands the frustration and exhaustion that families struggle with on a daily basis when caring for a loved one. It can be even worse if the person you are trying to help refuses any type of care, from medical treatment to assistance in the home, despite obvious challenges. Here are some tips to help alleviate the problem.

What if you fall tonight? (Senior Care)
If You CAN Get Up
The first thing to do is to catch your breath. Check and see if you are injured. Even if you think you’re OK, take your time before getting up again. (Senior care)

Must know facts when choosing a home care agency.
Challenges associated with the process of aging impact not only the individual, but their families as well. Often, the most difficult situation to arise is when a person needs more care than what family members can provide.